Thursday, August 21, 2008

The most wonderful time of the year

So the kiddies returned to school yesterday, and my oh my...the peace.
I am so not the mom who cries as they leave, reminiscing on how fast the time has gone. I'm thinking more like, about time.
I love my kids tons and love being with them, just not-every-hour-of-the-day-can't-go-to-the-bathroom-without-""MOM!"-being-with-them.

When I went to pick them up from school I ran into another mom from my ward and we exchanged feelings on the start of school. "It's so quiet!" she said, "I got SO much done!"
I was like "umm, me too."

I totally took a two hour nap.


Sally said...

Oh how I totally agree with you! I remember one year after walking my kids to school and feeling like dancing all the way home, I went in and called my mom, just to celebrate the event with someone who understood!

Amy said...

Amen Sister! I'm Lovin' school! I think (whether they admit it or not), the kids need to be back at school. Its nice to be on a schedule and have a plan for the day. Love it!

Meg said...

You took a nap? lol! That's AWESOME! The freedom is wonderful!!!

RaEStoCo said...

You're hilarious April. I love it. And...I had no idea my mom was so happy so see me off to school. Although, I'm sure I'll do a happy dance too someday.