Saturday, July 10, 2010

And off we go...

My ultra organized binder for the trip.
Directions, reservations, phone numbers, etc.
Can't decide if I feel proud or just obsessive.

We leave for Oregon/Washington tomorrow and I have spent hours planning out the trip.
Plans include a beach house, deep sea fishing for Nathaniel and Peter, and river rafting for the whole family.
I called the mission president yesterday and guess who I have permission to take out to lunch with his companion as long as it is strictly missionary work conversation:

Elder Tracy comes home in October but since we are going to be right there I thought I might as well ask if we could see him for an hour.

I have this thing about leaving the house clean so when I come home with mounds of laundry and the car explodes at least I have clean bathrooms. I made the kids pack last night and with all the snacks, allergy medication, travel-size toiletries, band aids, beach toys, reservations for the dog, and getting the key to the kid who is coming in to water my plants & feed the birds I am pretty sure I'll be done with vacation before we even leave!

A nice sized stress-zit has developed on my face and is sure to show up in all the photos.
I really need to learn to use Photoshop.

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