This week has been one of those I'd just like to forget. The end of the term is fast approaching and all is in panic over here. Sarah worked on math for probably 14 hours this weekend. I was feeling her pain. I was never good at math. My visiting teacher is tutoring her on demand. I don't know how I'll repay her because she won't take money. I know there is another woman in the ward who pays her with chicken. Maybe I should go with beef?
Rebecca's term book reports were due on Friday. I spend more time working with that child then either of us can really take and she is still drowning. Her resource teacher wants me to spend more time on math. We spend so much time on reading and spelling I just can't think about one more thing. It isn't the time so much as this girl doesn't want to hear any more from me. It has to come from somebody else because we're both ready to cry over here. In fact we do sometimes. My patience is about gone and I'm horrible these days. I'm tearing down my own child. Why? Why? Why can't you get this? "It's part of the disability," says the resource teacher. What does that even mean?
John still won't sleep. The battle to get him to bed every night is ongoing which means I have to steel myself for the mornings. He has a spelling list too now but catches on much more quickly. Blessing of blessings I think this kid is not going to have a learning problem.
Scouts is another story. Nathaniel turns 16 in two weeks and has yet to get his Eagle project going. No Eagle, no license. We are not seeing movement.
He is taking a jogging class this semester. Every other day he runs 4 miles. This morning Nathaniel tells me that his PE clothes, the same PE clothes he's never brought home for me to wash yet this year, smell so bad he brought another set to school. Disgusting doesn't come close. I'm beginning to wonder if it is even worth it for me to continue harassing him to bring them home. Maybe they need to go straight into the trash.
Which brings me to this:
Nathaniel is a good student. This term he has pre-calculus, physics and Honors English and is holding just under a 4.0. I'm extremely proud of him. He is also one of the few sophomores taking a concurrent enrollment class (computer programming.) I mention this because I constantly remind myself of this when I open his door to this scene. Those clean clothes on the desk? in the basket? They may never get put away. He wears them and then they go on the floor. That expensive dresser you see to the left? Useless. I certainly don't put the clothes away for him. I washed my hands of that job long ago. I just set them in there and then close the door. I do periodic vacuuming if I can get to the floor and don't even get me thinking about the sheets on that bed.
When the pile gets too large to open his door he hefts it into the laundry basket in the hall. This always coincides nicely with me thinking I've got the laundry done. One minute I breeze past an empty hamper and the next it is vomiting Nathaniel's dirty clothes onto the floor. Just like that.
In other news Peter just finished up with the October tax deadline tonight. He also got to have his broken cap removed and his tooth drilled on this morning. I'm not sure which he enjoyed more. Actually he got the nitrous gas for the first time so I'm pretty sure it was the tooth. When I brought dinner to the office tonight he was wishing aloud he could have some more of that gas. I can't say it has ever done that much for me.
This weekend we are going to spend the fall break in Bryce Canyon. We have rented a little condo for a couple of nights and the plan is to feign no responsibility for three days. Then on Monday we pick up our Japanese exchange student at BYU. Our last one you may remember, was Yuuki. Funny thing is the boy we are getting this year is named Yuki. So minus one "u." I'm wondering if they are pronounced the same.
Peter went to the orientation for me and we got to see his picture. Holy nerdy. I know, it's terrible I'm judging him from his picture, but his letter was not much more reassuring. He showed about as much personality as a cantaloupe. If this kid is as painfully shy as he appears on paper my family is about to show him a different side of things for sure.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Cornbelly's 2011

Apparently I don't listen to enough country music.
My favorite part was watching Peter ride the bull.
This year there were a dozen or so new wooden structures for kids to play on. A tractor, a pirate ship, a car--I can't even remember what all.

I think that family was a show all in itself. When I mentioned to the dad that their lives must be pretty ruled by a schedule he said they have it down to the minute and they rarely deviate. It's the only way they make it work. I was glad not to be going home with them!

I walk a lot. I try to run, and I do sometimes, but if nothing else I just walk fast.
Charlie waits for me to walk him every minute of his life so he's a pretty good motivator too.
I never get over how beautiful it is here and I feel so blessed to be able to enjoy the scenery right outside my door. There are fields of sunflowers right now and everything is beginning to change. I finally got my camera out a couple of weeks ago and took these pictures just before the mountains started to turn colors.

Charlie waits for me to walk him every minute of his life so he's a pretty good motivator too.
I never get over how beautiful it is here and I feel so blessed to be able to enjoy the scenery right outside my door. There are fields of sunflowers right now and everything is beginning to change. I finally got my camera out a couple of weeks ago and took these pictures just before the mountains started to turn colors.

Monday, October 10, 2011
Snow already?
This was the view out my kitchen window on Thursday.
We knew it was supposed to be cold that day,
we just weren't really expecting snow.
we just weren't really expecting snow.

They are now sitting in the furnace room on their vines.
Can't believe how many I had. So mad they didn't get more sun!
Hopefully they'll ripen up anyway.
Thursday, October 6, 2011

I am told she is funny, she works hard, and is really, really great with kids.
I also hear she is a no-nonsense girl who will isn't afraid to tell you whats on her mind.
I predict we will get along well.
They are getting married on December 29th in Oakland, California.
I need to book my airfare soon.
I need to book my airfare soon.
Garden 2011

Remember all that grass I dug up along the fence last year and all the work we put into building these garden boxes along that same fence? Well turns out it isn't getting enough sun thanks to it being too close to the fence. Duh. So that coupled with the weirdly elongated spring we had here our garden didn't produce like it should have. Our tomatoes just started getting red about two weeks ago maybe?
And now I'm worrying about frost.
Plan for garden 2012 is to tear out all this grass and just have one big garden area. There are so many more things we want to plant--and actually harvest--that I know it will be great. Peter and I are very excited. (We don't get out much:)

This stuff is awesome! I'm still hoping for one more harvest.

This is my first time back at canning fruit since we moved from California. I got rid of all my cans when we moved (not exactly something you want to drag state to state.) The ones in the stores are all but gone and the ones left are expensive!
On Saturday I drove around listening to conference in my car to search yard sales and hit the mother load. The lady said she had already had several people ask so her sister was driving to Provo to this shed their mother used to store all her bottles in to bring them over and sell. She took my number and said she'd call when the sister returned but I just poked around at a few more yard sales in the area and came back later where I parked myself there to wait. I got first dibs and paid $15 for 75 bottles of all sizes. Cha ching!
So today while my digital thermometer is reporting the temperature outside at a steady 35 degrees and continues to look bleak and drizzly out there I'll be inside watching Masterpiece Theater's "Little Dorrit" and canning pears.
Man, this blog is super-exciting isn't it?
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