She was amazing, and her stories were wonderful, and often hilarious. She made us all feel better about what we were trying to do in our lives and reminded us of why we were doing it. She encouraged us to get our priorities straight and then let the rest go. She also reminded us that the Lord needs righteous women. That doesn't mean good-looking, super-smart, or the ones with most canned apricots in their basement. I appreciate that.
I think we can all appreciate that!
Then I came home to flowers from my Grandpa:

(Note Nathaniel in the background already thinking about what he wants to do with it.)
Have I mentioned that Peter buys me really big, expensive things sometimes?
I had two emotions at the same time. One being, holy crap, this is awesome.
And the other, as you see in my face below, is what the heck???
Stunned is a good word.
The boys immediately get busy on setting things up. I'm still in shock.
Note my 16 wk. baby bump-- I bust out so fast when I'm pregnant it's rediculous.
Unfortunately that was the last of my birthday fun for the next several hours as I battled nausea and headache in bed for most of the day. We had all planned on going out for dinner as a family and had even picked out an Italian restaurant we had never been to. Just as I thought I wouldn't be able to do it Peter helped me pull myself together with a hot bath and some mint tea.
We had a fabulous dinner-- thumbs up to Carrabba's in Orem. I was very thankful to be able to enjoy the delicious food and then the headache decided to throb all the way on the drive back home. I got back into the tub and got in bed. (Headaches are something I really battle in pregnancy because there just isn't that much I can take besides Tylenol, and I'm afraid to take too much of it.)
So I haven't been posting much on my blog recently because I've had this new computer we had to move everything onto and maybe I've just been a little lazy too.
Wow-- thirty-seven and expecting a new person. That's the best present of all for us this year:)
(Sarah took all the photos in this post. She is becoming quite the photographer.)