Friday, May 8, 2020

Quarantine haircuts and sleepless nights

Sarah came over a couple of Sundays ago and gave me what everyone is calling the quarantine haircut.

After she left I had Peter cut some more off the back. When I got in front of my mirror in the bathroom I used a hand mirror to do some more trimming. I think it actually came out pretty well! Then Peter gave in and let me cut his because his sideburns were getting to be too much for Sarah and I to handle. Peter and I decided to get a picture of our handiwork. Look how cute we are 😘

Will and I go to the park almost every day and I have to get pictures of this stuff because it is seriously like living history right now.

  Meanwhile, the toilet paper aisles are still looking like this...

and there is now a public scare over meat shortages and stores are limiting purchases of it again. 

Apparently meat factory workers are getting sick with Coronavirus and they are having to shut down to clean and disinfect, and some farmers are even having to kill their livestock. Not sure I understand why that is. I went to Costco and the entire cooler of chicken was gone and masks are now mandatory in their store. 
As for myself I haven't been able to sleep very well at all. I'm clenching my jaw so hard at night it hurts all the way to my ear on the left side and now it pops incessantly and my body hurts in the morning because I think I'm tensing up in my sleep. Wednesday I drove to my psychiatrist appointment only to find the office closed. Turns out he had sent me a link to an online visit (lost 10 minutes of my 30 min appointment--uggh) and so I sat in the car and did it from my phone. I told him about my sleep, which is a huge thing in mental health whether you have a diagnosed condition or not because it affects everything. I'm awakened in the night (like 3:30) in a panic. The latest one I was having a dream and I woke up to an an extremely loud alarm-- like a smoke detector. It had nothing to do with the narrative of the dream but it had me startled out of sleep and wide awake and instantly on edge until I realized there was no alarm and it must have been a dream. These middle of the night awakenings keep happening, and unlike normal times where I might lay there awake but too tired to do anything else I'm wide awake for hours. Last time I just studied in the hopes I'd eventually fall asleep. I was awake until almost 7:30. The doctor said it sounded very much like a mixed episode and prescribed something I only take when I need to for sleep but it made me so groggy the next morning I don't know if it'll be helpful. I don't think it is out of the ordinary to be struggling right now. We don't even know if we'll be sending kids to school in the fall, or when we will be able to go to church again.

Also the long days at work that start with getting up at 5am are pretty rough. Yesterday I wondered if I'm going to be able to do this 3 days a week when I'm a full-time nurse. For 12 hours you are dealing with people and trying to be positive when they are often struggling, needy, cranky, angry, demanding, or sad. This is trying enough but when I get the a demeaning nurse or two I can get real feisty, real quick. (Gratefully that is the exception.) When I'm just trying to get through school is probably not the time to be thinking about these things.

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