Sunday, February 15, 2015

Ponies and playtime

After a particularly hectic week (did my first job shadow in OT) I took Will to the Curiosity Museum for some one on one, but first we hit the farm area. Watch him feeding goats here.

The weather was crazy gorgeous that day and has been really for a while. This week set record high temps all over Utah for February. Crazy.

He was uber sensitive and rather cranky that day but we still had fun. Here he's in the plane they have suspended in there. You can hear him telling the next kid (in Will language) to wait his turn. I'm thinking Will hasn't caught on to the whole sharing thing very well being so much younger.) Oy.

I know this blog has a plethora of pictures of Will. He's just fun to take pictures of right now for all of us (I've learned it won't always be that way!)  It works out good for me when I make my blog books too because I can import them all in and there is our family album of him growing up. John is actually pretty good at letting us take pictures. I need to take advantage of that more often.

Speaking of which, here is me after getting my hair done this week.
Look fast! It won't look like this for longer than 24 hours!

I always do my hair curly/wavy these days because it's so much easier for me. There is a fair amount of ratting my hairdresser does to get my thin hair to look good straight and that's a pain.

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