Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Animals and Quilting

Daniel Joseph Eizenzimmer's quilt

Festival of the Trees Quilt
(to be auctioned for Primary Children's Hospital)

As you can see here Charlie wants to get in on everything, including my pictures. He was very unhappy we left him behind when we left for Thanksgiving and I felt bad.
Charlie is my most constant friend. He is the first one up waiting for me in the morning. He lays down against the shower door waiting for me to get out. Then he watches me blow dry my hair because he likes it when I turn the dryer in his direction.
At night we don't let him sleep in our room because he shakes his head around too much, but we can always hear him scratch at the door, just once, before he plops down against the door to wait out the night.
He can hardly contain himself when he sees me putting on my running shoes.
Maybe this is why I often get along better with animals than people? Good excuse anyway.

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